Tutorials > Adding Clients and Loading Photos into Galleries

You've logged in and are in the "Loading Zone". Click on,"Client". Then click on, "Add New Client", The clients will appear in alphabetical order in your client list. If you are making a new gallery for an existing client, click on their name, then click on,"Add New Photo Gallery" and create the new gallery name. Decide on the rest of the options you would like the gallery to have. Click on, "Save Gallery Settings". You now have your new gallery.

To use Categories, click on the "Categories" icon and create separate categories for your photos to be loaded into. If you do not want to use any categories then click on the "Photos" icon below photos. This will bring you to the "Photos" loading area. There are two ways to load your photos. "Add New Photo", This loads one photo at a time. "Add Photos From Zip File". This is for loading large amounts of photos from a zip file.

If you have created Categories they will be shown in the pop up window. Choose which one you would like to load into and click "Continue". If you would like to have a Watermark on your photos this is your chance. Fill in your company name or whatever you want to use. Simplesee adds in the copyright logo and date. Next click on "Browse" and find your zip file to go along with your chosen category.

Category Loading Tip: I change the name of my zip folders to match my categories names. This helps load the right files into the right category.

Once the file has been chosen click, "Upload".

For maximum use on Simplesee make photos to load 10.5 inches wide by default (horizontal image). The dpi should be 72 and they should be made as a srgb jpg or saved for web for the best color rendition.

The loader is very fast. For example: 1800 images into 4 different categories can load in under 28 minutes. You will be returned to the photo loading page and if your images have not appeared refresh your browser. Now all your photos are shown. Its that Simple.


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